This Critical Thinking About Climate video explains 23 rhetorical techniques used in misinformation. Understanding the techniques of science denial is like a universal vaccine against misinformation. Once you know these red flags, you’ll be able to spot attempts to mislead you.
People who deny science use five tell-tale techniques. The first is Fake Experts – people who convey the appearance of expertise without possessing relevant expertise. Often they comes in the form of lists – fake experts in bulk! The second technique is logical fallacies, such as straw man arguments and red herrings. The third technique is impossible expectations – demanding unrealistic standards of scientific proof. The fourth is cherry picking, focusing on information you agree with while ignoring any science you disagree with. The last technique is conspiracy theories – the idea that all the world’s scientists are in on a global plot. It’s hard to change the mind of a conspiracy theorist. Facts bounce off their tinfoil hat.
The five techniques of science denial, or FLICC, only scratch the surface. There’s a wide range of fallacies, rhetorical techniques, and traits of conspiratorial thinking used to distort the science and mislead. Knowing these inoculates you, so you’ll spot attempts to mislead you.

This is part of a virtual grad class “Understanding and Responding to Climate Misinformation” that I’m teaching at George Mason University with Natalie Burls & Tim DelSole. Our class teaches climate & communication students the climate & comm research needed to debunk climate misinformation.
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