Here’s my third Cranky Uncle video, debunking the myth that cold weather proves that global warming isn’t happening. This animated video is adapted from cartoons in the Cranky Uncle vs. Climate Change book.
The key fact to do with cold weather and global warming is the fact that the likelihood of hot weather has been increasing in recent decades, while the likelihood of cold weather has decreased. So cold weather doesn’t completely disappear during global warming. It’s just less likely.

Nevertheless, every time the weather gets cold, we hear the denialist claim “it’s cold, what happened to that global warming?!”

This argument fails to see the full picture. It’s the same logic as arguing that the sun doesn’t exist when it gets dark.

If you want to delve into this myth in greater detail, with relevant scientific research, we debunk the myth “cold weather disproves global warming” at Skeptical Science. We also debunk the myth in our MOOC Denial101x: Making Sense of Climate Science Denial:
Check out the full list of Cranky Uncle videos on YouTube.
Jesús Sáenz Sáenz
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